Featured: Jenn Cameron Interiors in Canvas Rebel

Meet Jenn Cameron

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Jenn Cameron. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Jenn, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. What do you think it takes to be successful?

Success is such a strong word and has a different definition to everyone.

For me, success when looking at a business specifically, is waking up everyday excited to work in my field. I have had the privilege of pursing careers (my first career being as a Musical Theatre Performer and my second as an Interior Designer), that I am passionate about. I truly love what I do and feel that is being successful.

I don’t take this for granted either because I realize many people are in jobs that don’t fulfill them creatively, emotionally and intellectually. Yes, careers provide a financial stability but when you can combine financial stability with a passion, that is true success to me.

Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.

Born and raised in New Orleans, I grew up with a love and appreciation for design. The historic architecture, gorgeous homes, southern charm, and hospitality at its finest, became a part of who I am and how I design.

At a young age, I fell in love with dance; from competitive dance, and daily dance classes to performing in community theaters. I graduated from George Washington University in Washington, DC; where I studied Communications and competed on the dance team. After graduation, I moved to New York City to pursue my dream of performing professionally.

During the next 8 years, I performed throughout the country in shows such as 42nd Street, Cats, A Chorus Line, Hairspray, and more. I had a profession that was my passion and brought me great enjoyment! I moved to Baltimore, where I currently reside, with my husband and two sons. My goals changed and I hung up my professional dance shoes to focus on my family.

Over time, I realized I was missing a creative outlet and after designing our current home, I felt that exciting “spark” again with Interior Design. I loved every aspect of making my current house a warm, sophisticated and elegant home. I attended Design School while simultaneously working as an assistant to an experienced and successful Interior Designer.

Working with the client and selecting their design needs, gave me the same excitement that performing on stage offered. Thus, a new chapter began with the launch of Jenn Cameron Interiors.

Jenn Cameron Interiors is a full-service Interior Design Studio. Whether it is a minor aesthetic update, or a full room transformation, I believe in designing spaces that the clients will love and remain authentic to them. I work with the client to understand their desired style and how to make the home both functional and attractive. I will work with the client’s interests and budget to provide a unique space that is timeless and beautiful.

Inspired by my New Orleans upbringing, I incorporate southern charm and elegance when appropriate, and edgy elements when they need that “pop.” I love incorporating family heirlooms with current trends. I embrace calming hues in the bedroom and a statement piece in the family room. I want my clients to have a home that is family-friendly and practical yet, luxurious.

I enjoy moving pieces in the home to find the optimal place, while also adding new elements that make one smile when walking by. I believe in working with the clients to express their style through textures, colors, and pieces in a room.

I truly love what I do and have found the career that excites her the same way performing on the stage did. Interior Design allows me the flexibility to pursue a creative and professional outlet, while still having time for my family. I wake up every day excited to “create a home that is authentic to my client.”

Where do you think you get most of your clients from?

Word of mouth!

Truly, referrals from previous clients has been the best source for new clients. Interior Design is a long term relationship. We may start with a small project and then it evolves to more spaces in a home.

Having clients that I enjoy working with has made this career so rewarding. Often times, these clients become friends.

What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?

My creative journey is about waking up every day excited to do design work. Cliché, I know, but I truly love my job.

Like most creative people, our brains are wired differently. For me, a career that didn’t allow me to use this creative energy would be boring and unfulfilling. I also desire social interaction. So, a creative path with Interior Design allows me to be creative as well as interact with my clients.


Featured: Jenn Cameron Interiors in Baltimore Style


Featured: Jenn Cameron Interiors in Baltimore Style